Thursday, October 25, 2012

Our Story

Our Story
Jessie and I started dating in December of 1998 and we got pregnant in April of 1999. We were excited to start a family together even though we hadn’t been together for very long. We moved out of the house we shared with our three friends and into our own apartment. We started getting ready for a baby shower and were in the process of setting up the nursery when we found out (at a routine Doctors appointment) that our little boy had passed away. It was September 23rd. I will never forget that day…The doctor told us that we could either induce the delivery or we could wait to see if my body would go into labor naturally. Of course I wanted to wait; I wanted to be pregnant with him longer. I was in denial. The doctor told us that was fine, but I couldn’t go longer than two weeks with the baby inside me. My body didn’t go in to labor, so I was induced. On Tuesday October 5, 1999, with only my mom, grandma, grandpa, and Jessie in the room, I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy. He had Jessie’s long skinny fingers and my chubby nose. Physically he was perfect. Walking out of that hospital with no baby was probably the most heartbreaking thing I’d ever had to do. At a follow up appointment the doctor told us we shouldn’t get pregnant again for a couple of years. So I went on birth control and we attempted to go on with our lives, even though we were each missing a part of our hearts.
On June 22, 2002 Jessie made me the happiest woman ever by becoming my husband. We decided that we’d waited almost three years and maybe we could finally start trying for a family again. So I got off birth control and we tried for a few months with no success. In April of 2007, I had gastric bypass surgery. I thought this is a way for me to get healthy and maybe it will help us to get pregnant. I will be able to chase our child around the playground and be around for his or her graduation. My surgeon said they advise couples to wait a year after surgery before getting pregnant. My heart sank a little; another year?! We’d already been waiting for eight years!! In March of 2008 I started my job at MSC. On my 3rd day the lady who was training me (who I now refer to as my work mom) told me I was pale, my eyes were dilated and I was visibly shaking. I told her I felt very sick and thought I was going to pass out. She told me to sit on the floor while she went to get our supervisor. My supervisor called Jessie to come get me and we went straight to the emergency room. We got in to a room and after the examination they told us I had a tubal pregnancy and that I was being taken to the OR. I was so scared, happy and devastated all at the same time. I had truly come to believe we’d never get pregnant. But there was a shred of hope in the midst of sadness. When I left the hospital they told us that I had to go through at least two cycles before we could try to get pregnant again. I thought great, more waiting. We took the necessary precautions and in May we started trying again.
On September 5, 2008 the Onderdonk family lost a loving husband, father, uncle and an all-around wonderful man, Jessie’s dad. He loved his son and daughters so very much and he always treated me as if I were his very own daughter. Jess showed me in nine years of knowing him what being a real father means and I know that he passed this knowledge onto Jessie. At the end of September I started feeling sick again, similar to how I’d felt with the tubal pregnancy only without the severe pain in my lower abdomen. Again my supervisor called Jessie to come and get me and again we went to the emergency room. They did blood tests and found out I was two weeks pregnant, but I was in the process of miscarrying and there was nothing they could do to stop it. It was devastating to find out you were pregnant in the same breath that you find out you’ve lost it; it seemed so cruel. We went home that night heavy hearted but still refusing to give up hope. In August 2010 we had our friends Sara, Mikel and their son Evan living with us. I remember being late for my cycle so I took a pregnancy test. I was so excited that it was positive!! It was so faint that I ran to the other side of the house screaming for Sara to look at it. She got a big grin on her face and said yes, it’s positive!! So I called the doctor the next morning before I went in to work to make an appointment to be checked out, reminding them of my history. I got to MSC and almost immediately after starting to work I felt cramping in my abdomen. This time I skipped over talking with my supervisor and went to straight to his boss crying my eyes out. She knew my history so she had someone call Jessie to come and get me and off we went to the emergency room. They took blood tests again and found out I was about three to four weeks along, but yet again I was miscarrying and there was nothing they could do for me. They sent us home that night and I knew all the hope I had once had was gone. I couldn’t take any more lost pregnancies.
A friend of mine told me about a fertility doctor she had tried and said had a high success rate and was very nice, so I made an appointment with him. After telling him our history he told us what he thought was happening. I love the way he explained it. He said when a woman gets pregnant her body releases progesterone right about the two to three week mark. The progesterone is what sustains the pregnancy in the early weeks. Well the “worker” that was supposed to release the progesterone in me was “out to lunch”. The doctor said he must’ve ran to McDonald’s and forgot to do what he was supposed to do. He suggested we go on chlomid (which stimulates the ovaries to produce more eggs) and then on day 16 I was to take progesterone supplements. That was the most economical, easiest place to start. After about four months and $800 later we still weren’t pregnant so the doctor asked us if we wanted to take a more aggressive approach. Of course we said yes! On top of the chlomid and progesterone supplements we were going to do invitro-fertilization. We did that (and for the first time in my life I had to give myself a shot in the stomach) the first month at about $1200. It didn’t work. So here I’ve been on all these hormones for about 5 months and I think I went through every emotion there is in about a 15 minute time cycle all day: happy, sad, angry, depressed, giddy; lather, rinse, repeat. I truly believe Jessie and my co-workers wanted to kill me at times, especially when my friend Abbey caught me crying over the paper conveyor one day at work because it kept getting stuck. We decided we’d do one more round of IVF and if it wasn’t successful we’d go back to the cheaper route. Insurance doesn’t cover invitro because they had deemed me infertile even though my doctor hadn’t. The second round didn’t work either and I’d had enough of the drugs. I told Jessie we’d just let things happen as they’re supposed to.
I had it in the back of my mind that we should adopt the whole time we were doing the fertility treatments but in my mind it was giving up on having a child and was a last resort.
In February 2012 we joined our church, The Vineyard. We absolutely love going there. We’ve become closer to God and to each other. We have also learned that yes, God has promised us a child or children, He just never specified how we’d come to have these children. Then I got reconnected with my childhood best friend Bethany and had the privilege of meeting her husband Ryan. We found out they had been having trouble getting pregnant too and were in the process of adopting. That was what finally opened my eyes to the possibility. Adopting wasn’t a last resort; it was the answer to our prayers of becoming parents. We also met Jeremy and his wife Michelle (I work with Jeremy who had just recently started at MSC) and found out they have successfully adopted both domestic and internationally. They are the ones who introduced us to Adoption Support Center which is the agency we are using.
God put it on Jessie’s heart about four years ago that we needed to be debt free. He found Dave Ramsey and has totally become a “Dave nut” as I affectionately call him. We have currently paid off a little more than half of the $40,000 worth of debt we started with and are continuing to chip away at the balance, though not as fast as Jessie would like. When we started looking into adoption we were floored at how much it was going to cost. We were hearing as much as $40,000!! We kept thinking how are we going to do what God has called us to do when it costs so much? We found on ASCs website that they do interest free loans. We both thought “ok if we have to do that we will!” The avid Dave listener that Jessie is he was listening to his show and heard a story about a woman who wanted to get a loan to do IVF. Of course, Dave said no! She was already in debt about $30,000. Dave said, “There is not one example in the Bible of God calling someone to do something and then using debt as a tool to accomplish it!” As Jessie was telling me this he started to cry and said this is the answer from God that he needed. We can do this adoption without going further into debt. That is why we are here today. We are going to do everything in our power to raise money for our adoption. God has placed each one of you in our lives for a reason. Together God, you, Jessie and I are going to find a child who needs a family, a home and unconditional love. Everything every child deserves to have. Children truly are a gift from God. Please hug and kiss your children (whether they are young or all grown up) and remember what a wonderful gift you have been given. Thank you all for helping us get closer to bringing our gift home! We love you!!  

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